
Developing and Implementing Strategies


Strategy is considered as a way that an organization can implement in between to the operations and processes of the company in order to achieve a higher rate of productivity (Smith, 2016). For maintaining the popularity and productivity of the business for a longer time, developing and implementing strategies is a basic step which involves methods, ways, tactics etc. The report is about discussing the strategies and the techniques that can prove helpful enough in making modifications in the management issues that are being faced by M&S. So, it involves the whole process of strategy change that can be involved by M&S in order to make effective changes, thus helping the company to achieve its position back again in the market.

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Part 1

Consultancy report

Identifying the organization

M&S is one of the leading retailers that deal with a wide variety of the product range that can be used in the daily routine of an individual. As there are some issues in every organization, there are some management issues in M&S as well. Although there can be various issues that can be classified by the major one that plays a very important role is the issue of management. It is because due to lack of management, there are various smaller factors that are acting as a barrier for the operations and productivity of the company. There can be various reasons that may act responsible for the low profitability of M&S and some well known and common examples of this can be concluded as less motivation, improper leadership skills etc. It is because these factors play an important role for maintaining the balance between all the functions and operations so that M&S can be able to achieve all the targets and goals in an efficient and appropriate way. So, the strategies that are currently implementing by the organisation can be analysed effectively and on the basis of outputs achieved, new strategies and techniques can be included in order to make the whole processing better enough so that the operations and the functioning of M&S can effectively be able to achieve the goals and targets.

Key strategic/ cultural issues in M&S

Strategic issues can be considered as some factors that act as a barrier for M&S that they can keep away the operations of M&S to reach their goals and targets. There are various strategic issues that are being faced by M&S and some of the well known factors are discussed as under :

  • The major problem that the company is facing is of low profitability and there is a possibility that it can be because of various factors such as lack of motivation to the employees etc. So, the company is facing a wide range of pressure because these factors were acting as a challenge or barrier for the M&S in order to achieve their targets and goals. There are two ways of strategic issues, external and the internal. The external factor can be considered as the ones that makes involvement of external factors to stop the productivity of the company whereas the internal factors are the ones that M&S may have to face challenges because of the internal factors only (Haegdorens, Monsieurs and Van Bogaert, 2018). There can be various factors associated with the issue of low profitability and some common factors that can be termed responsible for it involves less motivation to the employees, lack of leadership skills etc. It is because when the employees are working hard enough so that the organisation can be able to achieve the outcomes, it is obvious that they will expect some sort of benefits from the company's side. Therefore, some benefits such as increments, incentives etc. play a major and important role so that the employees can also stay focused, thus it can help the company to achieve all the outcomes and targets at a faster rate.
  • Another strategic issues that M&S is going through is lack of motivation to the employees. It is because encouraging and motivating employees from time to time is very important to keep them happy. As customers are an important part of the organization, employees are also important enough. So, it is very important to keep them happy so that they can be able to maintain their focus on the operations and functions of the company, thus leading to achieve better objectives and thus, further higher rate of popularity and productivity as well. Encouraging employees can actually help M&S to stay happy and thus, focused towards the operations of the company so that they can be able to achieve all the targets and goals at a much faster rate.
  • Another strategic issue that M&S is going through is the lack of customer management. It is because somewhere M&S is no able to cope with the requirements and needs of the customers. There is a wide communication gap that can be considered as a result of the same. It is because for an organization, it is very important to know what he customer actually wants because customers play a very important role in maintaining the productivity of the organization. So, somewhere M&S lacks in the fact that what the customer's requirement is. As here is a very less amount of interaction between the management and the customers, so there may be the possibility that it acts as an equal reason for the low profitability of M&S. Therefore, M&S can ensure about involving proper preventive measures so that they can have a direct interaction with the customers without any sort of mediator etc. As a very well known example of this can be considered as the action of taking feedbacks from the customers. It is because when M&S will ensure taking feedbacks from the customers after ever deliver or purchase, they can tell them ha what are the factors that are no liked by them, so proper effective changes can be involved in order to replace and modify what is required, so that the customers can stay happy (Thompson and Newsome, 2016). Also, by this way, the customers will also consider the fact that they are an essential part of the company, which helps in maintaining their focus on the operations of the company at a better rate. So, an efficient amount of relationship between the customers and management is very important.
  • Another strategy issue that can be considered as a well known factor tending to the low profitability of M&S is less innovation to the products and services. It is important to classify because it is obvious enough that the customers also need some change in their lives. So, if M&S will continue the processing of the same products and services for a large time, this will surely bore the customers. It is because customers also want something new and innovative. So, innovation can be considered here is an important tool to keep the interest of the customers maintained. So, M&S can ensure involving some sort of innovation in their products and services so that he can be able to provide customers something different. This will help in maintaining the interest of the customers as well and that too at a higher rate.

Rationale behind the change process

As there have been enormous number of factors that are acting as barriers and challenges , which are also responsible for causing a negative impact on the productivity of the company. So, some well known examples of this can be considered as improper leadership skills, lack of management, less motivation to the employees etc. So, because of the impact that these factors throws on the overall productivity of the company, there is a need to change the strategy. As it is obvious enough that when customers will not be encouraged and motivated about their performance, they will surely get disappointed and this will affect their focus and concentration on the achievements. So, it is very important to motivate the employees at a higher level. Therefore, M&S can ensure involving was so that they can be able to provide some sort of motivation and encouragement to the employees. It can be done b providing them some sort of increments, incentives etc. To the employees so that they can also consider the fact that they are important for the company. This helps in maintaining their focus on the operations of the company so that it can be able to achieve all the targets and goals. Also, along with providing increments and incentives to the employees on a regular basis, the management of M&S ca also provide them extra week off’s because this can also be considered as an efficient want to make the employees happy. So, by these means, M&S can be able to involve an efficient range of operations that can prove helpful enough in providing an appropriate range of motivation to the employees. Also, another factor that can be considered as important enough for the reasoning of why the strategies have to be changed is lack of customer relationship. It is because for any organization, it is very important to maintain effective relationships with the customers. It is because they play a very important role for continuing the operations of the company.

So, M&S can ensure by various ways that what the customer actually wants. It is important to understand because understanding the needs and requirements of the customers is very important as it helps in making the structure in that way only. So, M&S can ensure understanding the requirements of the customers so that they can be able to make proper modifications on that basis only (Thompson and Newsome, 2016). Therefore, after ever purchase of the customer etc., M&S can ensure taking proper feedbacks from the customer so that they can be able to know what they want and can make modifications and improvements accordingly. This can help in making the whole processing better. So, here is a need of initiating and implementing change process. It is because there are various factors involved because of which M&S has to go through low profitability and its consequences. It has been observed hat from a few times, M&S has lost its competitive advantage and there is a possibility that it can be because of these factors only.

It is because in every organization, some factors that play a major and important role involves proper communication between employees, with customers, an efficient customer relationship management etc. therefore, M&S can ensure involving the changes in strategies as providing motivation to the employees by means of incentives, increments etc. so that he can be able to say happy and encouraged etc. are important. It is because these modified changes and was can be used for achieving a better rate of popularity and productivity. Lack of encouragement and motivation can actually act as a barrier for the employee to stay happy and focused towards the operations, therefore, these can be considered as effective reasons behind the change process. It is because with these changes, here is a possibility that M&S can be able to regain its position in the market, thus will make higher rate of profits and benefits. Therefore, it can be considered as the fact that when some factors are acting as a barrier or challenge to the overall rate of the productivity of M&S, there are probably fewer chances of the business to achieve is goals and targets. Therefore, at the time of requirements etc. It is very important to make involvement of all he effective changes so that the processing of M&S can be performed at an efficient rate and they can be able to achieve a higher rate of popularity as well as productivity.

Key stages involved in the change process

Before the proper implementation of the changes, it is very important to analyse that what are the factors that actually needs to be changed. The whole process of the change is classified in a variety of phases and every single phase plays a very important role in the whole management of the change process, thus making every single phase clear enough that the processing of these can result in a better outcome rate. Actually, there are five basic steps that are involved in the change process. Every single process has its own significance, thus the combination of these can result in achieving all the outcomes, thus gaining a satisfied rate of customers, which can help in a better rate of productivity as well as popularity.

The change process can be classified in a few stages and these can be classified as below :

  • Acknowledging the need for change is considered as the first stage. It is because M&S should ensure that what are the factors that are actually required to be modified or improvised. It is because the organization should be clear enough for the reasons for making change because It is important enough (Schwartz, Bassett and Van Rie, 2017). Before bringing or implementing the changes in the operations and functions of the company, he should be clear enough ha actually what are the reasons that there is a requirement of change. If the company would be clear about the factors that they need to change, then it can result in better outputs. Otherwise, this can turn the situation more complex. Therefore, it is very important that M&S should stay clear about the factors that needs to be changed and also there should be proper reasons about that. It will help them to achieve better outputs, thus a more effective range of the functions and operations.
  • Another sage is that as M&S is one of the leading retailer, so there will be enormous number of employees as well. Therefore, It is very important that the management of M&S can make ever single employee clear about the reasons for developing the change so that he can also make their minds before only. Otherwise, It can be termed as a sudden implementation of the change for them and that will be hard to implement for them. Also, along with this, there is a possibility ha a sudden change or modification may not be able enough to satisfy the employees and can cause mis understandings as well. Therefore, It is very important to convey any changes or modifications that the management has decided to implement because by his way, they can also stay aware of the changes and his will help them to cope with them even faster (Thompson and Newsome, 2016).
  • The third stage is to develop a proper plan that is structured enough and must be involving ever single activity and action. Ii is because when the strategies and techniques have been decided that are about to implement in the organization, making a proper structure of the same is very important because It helps in making the vision clear enough (Wilson, 2015). So, it is very important to plan properly because there must be various other factors that will be associated with the making of the plan. Therefore, at that time, making a well structured plan is very important because detailing It is considered as an essential step and It is essential because at the time of implementation of the plan, if here has already been structure made, then there are fewer chances of and discrepancy or issue. For a better implementation process, it is very important to have a structured plan because hat can help in going the process of the implementation smooth enough.
  • Implementing the changes itself is another factor that is considered as one of the essential one. It is because after understanding and making the changes that needs to be involved b M&S in order to have a better processing rate, it is very important to implement the same. Without making an implementation, there is no advantage of making the change and then developing a plan etc. therefore, implementation of all the changes is considered as one of the essential factors that needs to be developed. Also, this is considered as one of the important steps that needs to be take place for a better processing rate of operations and functions. The fact that is to be ensured here is that the management at it should involve a better decision making of all he employees in which they can inform all he employees about the changes and modifications that are to be done and about the development and implementation of the plan as well (Campino, Santesteban and Lopez-de-Heredia, 2016). It is because the employees are also considered as a very essential part of the organization, so It is their rights to make all of them aware of he changes and also about the reasons that why the company is bringing these changes. I will help them to understand the changes better so that they might not feel any sort of complexity or issue while dealing with them. Also, it is the right of the employee to know about ever important process or function that is going under in the company. This will help them in gaining a better are of sour from the employees side, thus he can be able to work together and achieve all the objectives and goals a much faster rate.
  • The last stage of the change process is considered as the evaluation of programs because it is he final step after a proper implementation of the changes that are to be made within M&S. The company can make an evaluation of the process that have been made and can review that whether he changes have been implemented successfully or not. Reviewing the changes and is impact is considered as a very important step because this helps in checking the status whether the factors have been successful drawn out or not. This means that there can be the possibility that some of the factors may throw a negative impact. In this, the organization can evaluate that whether the processing is effective enough or no. if there is found that there are ill some factors that are no going well enough and here is a possibility that in the future, it may act as a challenge or barrier, in that case, the changes can be replaced or modified as soon as possible. Therefore, It can be considered that reviewing the changes is very essential step because it helps in analysing the fact that every process is going efficient or not.

Challenges that can derail the change process

There are enormous number of factors that might act as a challenge or barrier while the implementation of the change process and these factors are considered as below :

Employee involvement

It is very important that the employees along with the staff members at M&S can be able enough to resist the changes that they have implemented. It is because it is not about only involving the changes but resisting to it is important. If after implementing the new and modified factors, the employees feel less capable of implementing the changes, then it can cause major complications for the whole operations and functioning of M&S. So, the involvement of employees is very important. If in case, the employees seem less interested, then there is a possibility that it may cause some loss to the management of the organisation. One of the most well known and common barriers and challenges to the same is known as the issue of lacking involvement of the employees. That is the reason it is considered that while deciding about the change development and implementation, it is very important to make involvement of the employees as well. This helps in reducing the risk rate of the involvement of employees in M&S. Therefore, it is very important that M&S may make involvement of employees in the decision making process of the whole process of change. This can further assure them that the risk of employee motivation can reduce to a huge extent, thus they can be able to focus on the operations better.

Lacking communication

A lack in the communication can also be considered as one of the major factors that may act as a challenge in the change process. In many organisations, it has been observed that the management makes changes in order to the fact that the employees will adjust. Without communicating with them, implementing changes may cause some issues (Thompson and Newsome, 2016). As in this case, the employees may resist performing the operations or also they may consume a huge amount of time and that can actually throw an impact on the operations of M&S. Therefore, implementation of a well interaction rate can actually help in making the process better and efficient enough.

Managing complications

It is obvious that when the new change process will be implemented, it will throw an impact on various associated factors. With those factors, there will be some issues as well such as managing with the new changes, understanding them etc. So, at that time, getting worried can cause complications because in that case, it can throw a negative impact on the change process. Therefore, M&S can ensure to have some techniques and strategies that they can use at the time of conflicts etc. So, if at that time, the management is not able to cope with these conflicts, it can act as a challenge or barrier affecting the operations of the company. Therefore, it is very important to have some techniques and ways already as a backup so that if in case, there occurs some conflicts, M&S can be able to make use of it.

Lack of encouragement

Lack of motivation or encouragement to the employees can act as a barrier while the implementation of the change process. It is because when M&S will be developing and implementing changes, it is obvious that some factors will be new for the employees as well. So, there may be the possibility that the employees will take some time to get aware of the specific ones, so at that time, lack of support and encouragement to the employees can act as a challenge or barrier. It is obvious because as the new processes will be new for employees as well, so they might take some time to get aware of it. So, less or no rate of motivation can act as a challenge for M&S. Therefore, M&S should ensure to provide the employees appropriate set of encouragement. It can be in the form of incentives, increments etc. so that they can be able enough to cope with the new and modified processes of the change.


This being a foremost consideration of change process requires an intact planning of resources as well as other related aspects to effectively manage the implementation of a changed process. Although, it is impossible to begin with a successful change without any strategic planning that is necessary to deal in today’s contending business world. Planning is basically to know the exact changes required in the organisation and the way in which, they will successfully take place in the organisation (Wilson, 2015). This is for instance M&S is looking to bring some changes related to their currently adopted system of content management. For which, it is important to firstly consider whether the newly proposed system will be compatible to their old system or they need to transform it completely with a new system. Due to which, they will be together required to allot different roles and responsibilities to the workers who will play a significant role in the requisite change. This is mainly to fix a specific timeline to carry out successfully implement the proposed change and monitor its efficacy in terms of meeting the objective of change.

Lack in agreement

This is stated to be yet another barrier associated with a successful implementation of change in M&S where it is crucial to get everyone on board to bring an effective corporate change. However, decision to bring a change is apparent to come from the top managerial bodies, but is also essential to show the process of change to the management with a special consideration of involving the middle level administrative bodies into it. Together, everyone is expected to take effective decisions in terms of getting agreed to bring a requisite change into the organisation. This will also alleviate the state of conflict arising due to any disputed concern among the employees towards bringing a successful change.

Part 2

Theoretical/Strategic models that are appropriate to be applied

There are various models and frameworks that can be applied by M&S in order to comply with the changes that have been implemented by them in order to exclude the issue of low profitability by various means. Some strategic frameworks that can be involved by M&S are discussed as under :

Lewin's change management model

One of the well known models is considered as the Lewin's change management model. There are three basic aspects of the model that can be used for a better implementation rate of change and these three aspects involves unfreeze, modifications and refreeze. The first aspect, unfreeze means that first, M&S should ensure to unfreeze the current process. In this, they can investigate that what are the potential areas that needs to be changed. In this, M&S can ensure involving the employees in a decision making process where they can make all the employees aware enough of the changes (Hutchinson, Donnell and Reid, 2015). Then, after a successful unfreezing, deployment of changes is the nest step in which M&S have to provide some sort of efficient training and organisation of skills so that the employees can get aware of the ways of implementing the changes that have been implemented by M&S. This can help M&S to exclude from any factors leading to the low profitability of the company. Then, after all the whole deployment and execution, M&S needs to refreeze the same processes. Also, reviewing the process on a regular basis is important enough because this can help M&S to evaluate whether all the processing is going in an efficient way or not. The fact that is to be ensured here is that there should be proper amount of support from the management to the employees. Also, it is very important to focus on the factors that are quite complicated. It is because if these factors are replaced or removed as soon as possible, then there is a possibility that it will make effective changes that act suitable enough for the operations and processes of M&S. A well interaction is also an important part because three are possibilities that many sorts of rumours occur, so this can create complexities between the employees etc. Therefore, it is very important to communicate and clear about the rumours so that everything will stay clear enough with the operations. This will help in a better rate of processing, thus it can actually increase the overall productivity rate of M&S as well.

The McKinsey 7-s model

The McKinsey 7-s model is considered as one of the efficient models that helps in providing the visibility about the coherence of the operations of M&S. By this model, M&S can make a proper analysis of all the factors so that they can be able to realise that what actually needs to be changed. There are various aspects of the model and some well known aspects involves strategy, structure, style, staff, skills etc. So, by this, M&S can analyse the basic factors such as lack of motivation etc. are actually the factors that are leading to the low profitability of M&S. So, such factors can be modified so that M&S can ensure providing a proper rate of motivation to them so that the employees can also stay happy. Thus, it will further help in excluding the issue of low profitability in M&S, thus they can be able to gain a satisfied rate of customers along with a great rate of productivity and popularity (Wilson, 2015). So, if M&S ensures to provide these ways for motivating them, according to this model, they need to assess this strategy. The way this strategy can be implemented also covers in this. As one of the efficient ways will be by providing increments and incentives to the employees because these means can actually make the employees happy, so that their focus can stay maintained towards work and for achieving the goals and targets as well. The model also says that M&S should develop a proper and well structure so that to every employee and member of M&S, it should be clear enough that what are their roles and responsibilities towards the change.

The whole hierarchy should be simple enough that there is a direct communication between every single body so that there must not be any sort of trouble or issue affecting the operations of the company. The employees and staff members of M&S should be cooperative enough that they can comply with every single change such as providing motivation to employees, organising training sessions etc. to the employees. It helps in maintaining a sort of balance between all the operations, thus M&S can be able to focus better on the rate of operations and services. The style in which the processes are being managed also plays an important role. It involves the management style, competitive analysis etc. It is because this is very important to analyse whether the management style M&S is using is effective enough or not. It is important to analyse so that if there are any discrepancies found, then, they can be modified and improvised by M&S as soon as possible. It can help in making an effective rate of the operations, thus the organisation can be able to gain a better rate of productivity as well. When there will be an appropriate rate of functioning of the operations in the company, it will automatically help in increasing the profitability of the same. Investigating about the skills of the employees is considered as another essential step. This information and data can be gathered by the help of customers of M&S. Whether it is in terms of attending them or guiding them about any product or service, it acts very important. So, proper feedbacks can be taken from the customers of M&S so that they can help in analysing better that what are the factors they are satisfied with and with what not. This will help them in making effective changes so that the factors that are not liked by the customers can be replaced as soon as possible, thus a better rate of balance can stay maintained. This will help M&S in gaining a higher rate of profitability as well. It is because when more and more customers will be satisfied with the operations and functions of M&S, it is obvious that their focus will stay maintained in the functioning of the company, thus it will lead to a better rate of profitability as well. This model can seem as the most beneficial option for M&S that by applying it, there is a higher possibility of gaining higher chances of profitability, thus popularity as well.

Kotter’s 8 step change model

This is in regard to specify an effective change management strategy proposed by John Kotter. It is with a foremost concern of making change, a vital campaign. Herein, the workers accept the change after their leaders persuade them with some urgency to bring on a requisite change which is necessary to take place. For this, there exists 8 main steps, that are as explicated below-

  1. Firstly, the concerned bodies are required to upsurge the exigency for change. In this, the management at M&S will be having a core group with which they can be able to discuss all the factors that are implemented with the change process (Lorenz, Lundvall and Rasmussen, 2016). In this, the management of M&S can make involvement of enormous number of ways that can help them in convincing the employees about the specific change. It can act as a very essential step.
  2. Secondly, the associated leaders in M&S are required to form a team who clearly understands the need of bringing a requisite change and should be dedicated enough towards its successful implementation. This can also be considered as bringing up of the strategic vision in M&S so that it can help their operations to cope with the challenges and barriers. M&S should stay clear enough of the fact that they have to involve ways so that they can be able to gain a higher rate of profitability by satisfying a great number of customers.
  3. Thirdly, the leaders are together responsible to build a vision for a required change.In this, M&S can ensure to have an effective decision making process in which they make involvement of all the employees and will let them know about the whole decision making process. In this, all the employees along with the authorities can have a decision making process and discuss about all the factors that are associated with the changes. Keeping every member together and sharing the important factors with them is important because it helps in maintaining the balance between all the factors.
  4. Next is to properly communicate the change along with its needs to all associated bodies of M&S as a way of involving them in the process of change management.It is because employees are also considered as an important part of the organisation (Shah and Jain, 2015). Therefore, they have equal rights to be a part of the decision making of the company. So, it is important to discuss the changes with them as well so that they can be able to stay aware of all the factors so that at the time of implementation, they may not feel burdened or may find it complex.
  5. After which, authorising the staff is next important stage as a way of enabling them to bring onto a successful change.In this, guiding the staff and employees at M&S will be done because it is obvious enough that the new and implemented changes such as involving various factors for providing increments, incentives to the employees etc., taking feedbacks from the employees etc. so that M&S can be able to gain a higher rate of profitability. It will be done as by providing satisfaction to the employees, they can be able to gain a higher rate of productivity as well.
  6. Followed by which, developing short term goals is another vital agenda to bring a successful change in the organisation.Short term goals can help as it can seem easy enough to achieve smaller targets at much faster rate. This can help M&S in achievement of all the goals and targets at a faster rate comparatively. M&S has a vision and a goal but keeping the focus on directly achieving the goal can act complicated. So, it is an efficient way to divide the goal in smaller parts so that they can keep their focus on the smaller parts one by one and finally, they will be able to reach to the final output.
  7. Subsequently, after which, there is a need to stay determined towards the change and striving hard to attain the set goals related to it.It is because this is not only about implementing the changes but also about staying focused upon it (Zarkada-Fraser and Fraser, 2015). It is because after the implementation, it is very important to analyse and keep a wide focus on it on so that M&S can be able to achieve all the targets, thus a higher rate of profitability as well.
  8. Last is to make the change perpetual in nature with its successful implementation at the workplace. It is because the changes should not be temporary. It should be implemented in a way that they last forever. Then only, it can result in effective changes. So, the changes should be made in a way that they cannot be termed as temporary but can help the operations of M&S to prove appropriate enough.

The end result of the implementation of the strategies and techniques in M&S was that M&S started involving various ways for satisfying the customers. Also, they involved various ways for providing an efficient rate of motivation to the employees such as giving increments etc. so that the employees can stay happy and focused towards the operations, thus leading to the achievement of all the targets and goals.

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Part three

Reflective writing

The main issue M&S was facing is of low profitability and for excluding out the issue, they have implemented enormous number of ways that can provide them some sort of help to maintain a sort of balance between different operations. I think one of the major issues that was responsible for causing complications in M&S was lack of motivation. It is because this is obvious enough that when the employees will work hard for achieving the outcomes of the company, they will also expect something better from company. So, I realised that there might be the possibility that M&S was somewhere lacking in providing an efficient rate of encouragement to the employees so that they can also stay focused and happy as well and it will further help them in achieving all the objectives at much faster rates. There are various reasons because of which M&S can face the issue of low profitability. Some well known examples of it includes lack of motivation, lack of innovation etc. it is because these are considered as some factors that play an important role in maintaining the balance. So, M&S has to work upon these. Lack of innovation and ineffective customer relationship management are considered as factors that might generate complications for the operations and business functions of M&S. So, I think M&S should focus on involving a strategy of developing an innovative range of products and services that can be efficient enough to attract the interest of the customers. It is because this is an obvious fact that the customers will also get bored with the products that they are using on a regular basis. So, they must want something new and different.

Therefore, M&S can ensure implementing something new and innovative so that they can be able enough to gain the interest of the customers, thus it will help them to have an appropriate rate of popularity as well as productivity. I also think that maintaining effective customer relationship is important because like employees, customers are also an important part of the organisation. It is important as because of the customers only that the organisation will be able to grow and expand its operations. Without the customers, an organisation cannot be able to perform any function or activity. So, M&S can ensure to have healthy relationships with the customers so that they can help M&S to get aware of the factors that are not liked by the customers. Taking feedbacks from the customers is considered as one of the effective ways that can help M&S to analyse that what operations are exactly liked by the customers and what not. The ones with some rate of issues etc. that the customers are not liking it can be replaced or modified with some new ones so that it can be able enough to satisfy the customers. Therefore, I think that these strategies can actually be able enough to satisfy the needs of the customers, thus it can further help M&S to gain an efficient rate of profitability as well.

Various strategic models have also been used by M&S such as Lewin's change management model, The McKinsey 7-s model, Kotter's 8 step model etc. but the one most suitable and relevant for M&S can be considered as the McKinsey 7-s model. It is because by means of this model, I also think that this can help The McKinsey 7-s model in realising the factors that are actually required by the company in order to implement the changes. It is because although there are enormous number of factors that are acting for a successful processing of the functions and operations but some factors that are actually needed to be changed should be analysed and the same is being done with the help of this model. It will help in analysing the factors that may act as a challenge or barrier at some point of the functioning. Therefore, modifying and replacing the same with some factors that can act as beneficial enough for The McKinsey 7-s model in gaining the satisfaction of the customers is important. So, I think the implementation of the McKinsey 7-s model by M&S is a great option because by these ways, the company can be able to realise the factors that actually needs to be changed so that the whole process of the change and operations can work effectively and can also help M&S to achieve all the objectives and goals at a much faster rate. I realised the fact that while the implementation for the change process, there are various factors that can act as a challenge or barrier. Some well known and common examples of these challenging factors can be considered as lack of involvement from employees side, lacking interaction level, ways of managing the complications etc. It is because if at the time of implementation of the change process, the employees do not provide an appropriate rate of support, then it can make the situation very complex and complicated. So, I think that M&S should involve all the employees in the decision making process so that they can stay aware of their roles and responsibilities. This will help them to cooperate at that time. Therefore, I think involving the employees in the decision making process is very important because they are considered as an effective way. By this way, they can also be able to consider the fact that they are an important part of the company which helps in maintaining their focus towards the work. So, I think the involvement of these factors and strategies can help in maintaining a balance between all the operations of the company so that M&S can be able to have an effective range of satisfied customers along with a higher rate of productivity. 

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